Saturday, August 13, 2011

Red Queens and Increasing Returns (posted from APPLE store due to viral issues) =(

When you decided to obtain a DVD for your science fiction assignment in Module 4, where did you go to find a movie based on a Philip K. Dick book?

When I was choosing my DVD, I wanted to pick one that I didn’t think everyone else would pick.  I knew Minority Report would be a popular choice, however, my boyfriend thought I’d throughly enjoy Paycheck, and he was right! So, the search began and how difficult it was! Due to the fact that Paycheck is an older movie, it was not in one of the million Redbox or Blockbuster Express boxes in the 10 mile radius of my house. Because of these boxes, there is only one Blockbuster store left in the city of Atlanta, and it took me an hour and a half to drive 10 miles thanks to traffic, and rain shutting down the exit ramp to the Blockbuster! I was thinking, “How ironic, that now because of these great $1 boxes we don’t have to go far for new movies, but it’s such a pain in the butt to rent an older movie!” It was a good example of how technology always has  a negative side to it also!

 Did you rent or purchase a DVD, or did you view it digitally on your computer using Netflix or a similar vendor of video-on-demand?

I rented the movie, Paycheck, from the one and only Atlanta-surviving Blockbuster. It was not available in any of the Blockbuster Expresses or Redboxes. I did look for it online, and also in my On Demand titles, however, it was nowhere to be found!

Is the current competition between DVDs and video-on-demand an example of increasing returns or Red Queens?

Arthur (1996) defines increasing returns as “the tendency for that which is ahead to get further ahead, for that which loses advantage to lose further advantage” (p. 100). I think increasing returns happened in regards to DVD stores vs. DVD $1 boxes. Like we have learned about the timelines of emerging technologies, they don’t happen overnight, nor catch on overnight. Redbox for example though invented in 2003, they didn’t surpass Blockbuster sales and locations until 2007. It was an obvious example of how Redbox kept getting ahead, with more and more locations and rentals, and Blockbuster stores starting closing all over the country. Blockbuster caught on to the new trend, with the creation of the Blockbuster Express.

I think that in regards to DVDs and videos-on-demand, they are examples of Red Queens. Red Queens are not as common as a force as others. As Thornburg  (2009) explains, it is the existence of a huge competition between two technologies, in the process of which, they leave behind all other competitors. Both DVDs and videos-on-demand are competing with one another. DVDs continue to get cheaper to purchase, and Redboxes and Blockbuster Expresses continue to gain popularity and locations everyday. These DVD machines offer new movies for $1, while videos-on-demand do not. However, videos-on-demand offer newer movies, sooner, for $4.99/a night. They also offer many older movie for free. So there are benefits to DVDs and videos-on-demand and both compete with each other to become better and better!

Where do you think DVDs and video-on-demand are on the four criteria of McLuhan’s tetrad?

I think that DVDs and video-on-demand are on the “enhance” quadrant of McLuhan’s tetrad . These DVDs and video-on-demand enhance the old way to watch movies in regards to VHS, etc. With new blu-ray DVDs, viewers can watch videos from the comfort of their own home with special features like ever before. Old DVDs can also be enhanced with better picture quality, like many of the old version Disney movies that are being re-released with new enhanced formats.

 Arthur, W. B. (1996). Increasing returns and the new world of business. Harvard Business Review, 74(4), 100−109.

Thornburg, D. D. (2009a). Increasing returns. [Vodcast]. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved from

Thornburg, D. D. (2009b). Red queens. [Vodcast]. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved from

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